What is Bread Crumbs?

Well, bread crumbs (plural) are delicious crumbled bread of various dryness, sometimes with seasonings added, used for breading or crumbing foods. Bread Crumbs (singular) is a monthly newsletter that synthesizes lessons from the GOATs of finance, philosophy, and spirituality into simple, bite-sized morsels for everyday folks.

Read by 450+ ambitious students, teachers, engineers, hackers, consultants, financiers, marketers, lawyers, and civil servants from around the country, it casts light on these 3 important (and sometimes esoteric) topics in an easy-to-read, irreverent style.

Who Writes Bread Crumbs?

Bread Crumbs is written by me, Paul Clancy. I’m a reformed banker who’s on a search for ancient wisdom. This newsletter will serve as my diary for the journey.

I became interested in philosophy and spirituality after recovering from a grueling, year-long bender working 100-hour weeks in investment banking. I was convinced money was the key to happiness. Shocker. It wasn’t.

While I remain uncertain about the existence of a universal solution to happiness, I invite you to join me as we explore this possibility together.

Why Should I Subscribe?

Finance, philosophy, and spirituality are some of the oldest human institutions. Sadly, academics and elitists have tried to make these fields untouchable to the general public. That’s a shame. Bread Crumbs is here to change that.

Learning about these fields makes you more knowledgeable, interesting, and wise. If that doesn’t sound like a good proposition to you, you’re a fool.

Subscribe to Bread Crumbs

Practical wisdom from the worlds of finance, philosophy, and spirituality, delivered monthly(ish) for free.


An organization dedicated to supporting ambitious men and women, in their pursuit of new heights, by ensuring they don't suffer the same fate as Icarus.